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Guidance When You Feel Lost

Published 3 months ago • 4 min read

News + New Good Things from Tia Norman

"Sometimes I feel lost," said the boy. "Me too said the mole," but we love you, and love brings you home."

-The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

Peaceful, Centered + Connected

Every couple of years our neighborhood grocery store does a major reset. Last year they moved the bottled water where the disposable plates and cups used to be. Diapers now fill the aisle that used to house school supplies. Even the ice cream has swapped places with the frozen entrees. My normal pattern of shopping becomes disrupted, as does everyone's.

At one time I could zip up and down the aisles with my eyes closed or tell my daughter to go to aisle 10 for fruit snacks while I grab bread on aisle two to cut down on our shopping time. The changes always force me to slow down and most of the time I feel lost in a familiar place.

The store does something wonderful. They know us shoppers are creatures of habit and so they hang up these laminated sheets that say, "Hey, we know you're used to finding bread here but's over there," and they tell you exactly where you can find the relocated item. They do this with every item they've moved. It's extremely helpful.

They also strategically place employees in bright colored shirts that have, "Need help? Ask me!" printed in big bold letters.

You approach the aisle feeling lost and they offer guidance.

Time goes by and eventually, I become acclimated to the new way of moving through the store, as I imagine most shoppers do. Before too long I'm back to the state of mind that doesn't require me to be too mindful at all...back to being able to move through the store with my eyes closed becoming so familiar with the new layout that I could probably shop in my sleep if I had to, forgetting...





even when I can't see it

all I have to do is slow down and ask.

A New Way to See the Good News

A new way to see the Good News is a short passage that may offer a fresh perspective or insight into the ancient collection of poems, letters, and stories known as the Bible. This section is currently dedicated to exploring identity.

"My son," the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours..."

- Luke 15:31

You know the parable. A son asks for his inheritance before his father dies (a severe cultural offense for the time) and then goes off and blows the inheritance and returns home to a party thrown by the very father he insulted. The big bold heading in my Bible says this is, "The Parable of the Lost Son."

A closer look reveals that it is the parable of two lost sons. The father's love turned out to be as far-reaching as the offenses of the party animal. The story turns near the end, when the older brother, who did everything a good son is supposed to do, refuses to join the party. Revealing even though he was at home he was as lost as his younger brother. He's been at the party the whole time, so lost in his acts of goodness he wasn't even aware of the love available to him right where he was - at home. Perhaps if he wanted a party all he had to do was ask. ​​​​​

Until next time.

Grace + Ease,


New Articles, New Course + Connecting One-on-One

I'm excited and humbled to share that invitations to write articles for the Center for Action and Contemplation as well as Contemplative Outreach occurred recently.

You can read what I contributed here and here.

A Course on Growing Closer to God Through Centering Prayer

I'm offering a new course in March sharing the practice and insights that have helped me learn more about identity, ego, the spiritual journey and who we are created to be.

You’ll gain insight into the transformation available within the practice known as Centering Prayer, encouraging you to return daily as a pathway to healing, emotional stability, deep connection, and awakening. This course includes a weekly in-depth look at components of the meditation practice, space to meditate and reflect as well as a live interactive classroom where I will reply to questions.

Who Can Benefit:

  • Beginners seeking a meaningful introduction to Centering Prayer.
  • Experienced practitioners looking to explore new dimensions in their meditation and learn more about what's going on beneath the surface of the practice.
  • Anyone on a spiritual journey seeking peace, balance, and inner harmony.

Course Outline:

  • Week 1: What to expect, How we got here, Praying as Knowing
  • Week 2: Sacred Symbols, Attention + Intention, Gentleness
  • Week 3: Defining Thoughts, Non Attachment + Letting Go, Withholding Judgement
  • Week 4: Theological Grounding, Levels of Awareness, Types of Intellect
  • Week 5: Divine Therapy, The Ego, The Language of the Ego
  • Week 6: Your True Self, Welcoming Emotions, Emergence
  • Week 7: Your Relationship with Time, Integrating Into Your Daily Life, Harvesting the Fruit

Embark on this 7 week exploration of Centering Prayer, and witness the positive impact it can have on your life. Embrace the profound wisdom of this ancient practice and cultivate a more grounded, centered, and connected existence.

A Course on Growing Closer to God Through Centering Prayer

Begin, grow, and deepen a meditation practice as a pathway to healing, emotional stability, deep connection, and... Read more

Single Session With Tia

Single Session:
You're searching for guidance from an experienced individual who can provide spiritual insight and... Read more

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News + New Good Things from Tia Norman

A contemplative space helping spiritual seekers live a more connected life.

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